Yes, that's what my topic is about right now; stretch marks. I have plenty of them, but there are ZERO on my stomach. This is just one more thing to make me even more horribly insecure than what I already am. The body parts that I was once proud of, I can never be proud of again unless I pay for expensive creams and stupid things such as those. I started out with only noticing stretch marks on my breasts. They aren't that bad, so I wasn't too worried about them. I figured I'd get them near my boobs because I've never had boobs in my life. They're just entering a C cup at this point and they hurt like hell, yet I have no clue when or how the stretch marks got there. I just woke up one day and kind of noticed them. Now they're getting darker and more stretched out. :(
The next place they're starting to appear now is on my butt. My butt cheeks look like they've developed some sort of tiger appearance syndrome. I'm not even kidding, I'm so sad because I was completely in love with my bum! I mean, I understand that once I'm a mom, the last thing I should be worried about is my sexual appeal. However, I kind of grew up loving my sex appeal and being very proud of it. I can't help but focus on my sex appeal now that I'm pregnant, especially because of the fact that I feel so unattractive. Anyway, my butt looks like it got slapped with a tiger stamp. I loved my bum, and I'm so upset to see it's beauty fading as I get bigger. The stretch marks are starting to go up around my hips as well. It sucks to say, but I am definitely going to have left over stretch marks. =(
I'll have to look into some stretch mark creams...
Any suggestions?!?!?!
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