
Just Not Ready

So, we went to the hospital last night after all of the commotion about the contractions went on. My contracts weren't very intense, but they were coming every 5 minutes and lasting about 30 seconds to 1 minute each. I ended up arriving at the emergency part of the hospital around 10:30pm and being put in a wheelchair and taken up to the laboring part of the hospital. They put me in a room and I got changed in the bathroom and gave them a urine sample. Then, they hooked me up to the monitors and checked my cervix to see how dilated I was. This was the part everyone was waiting for because this would determine how close to being in labor I am. My doctor checked me (the most uncomfortable part of the process I've had to go through so far) and she stated that I'm still only 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. I had to stay for an hour and walk around for an hour until they would check me again and tell me the same thing.

I didn't very much enjoy having to walk more after my sister had made me walk all over town all day. My hips were starting to seriously hurt to the point that if I hadn't sat down for a while, I may have fallen. Plus, I have a bad ankle and that was starting to hurt pretty bad as well. Next thing I know, my hour of walking is over and I decide to go rest in my room on the bed for a while. While we were walking around, a woman was going into labor and the door was wide open (curtain closed of course) and she didn't seem to be having any problems with the pushing whatsoever. She barely made noise and seemed to have her breathing under control and everything. As soon as I sat in my bed, apparently she was crowning and ended up screaming her head off! I found this ridiculous because of how well she was doing all that time to remain calm and everything. This would have scared me had I not known that such a reaction rarely happens.

Just want to say though, that I walked past her room again, and her baby was adorable. :)

My computer may die, so I'm going to leave it at this. :)



So my sister is excited for the baby to get here now. So excited that she asks me every 10 minutes if the baby is coming yet. Not going to lie, I have grown tired of being this uncomfortable. Also, I don't like how hard it has been for me to fall asleep and my back is always killing me. However, I don't want to induce my labor whatsoever.

Today, I mentioned that I was tired of being pregnant and that I just wanted him out now...BIG MISTAKE ON MY PART!! My brother-in-law decided to tell my sister that I said that and now she's doing everything in her power to try and make me have contractions. We went on a very long walk today (yes, I started to contract about every 5 minutes, but the contractions weren't very intense). Now, she is allowing me a break as long as I continue to drink raspberry tea for the rest of the night. She wants the baby to come tonight apparently...

Also, I found out that the only reason my contractions have continued as I sit here, is because raspberry tea has caffeine in it which causes me to start contracting, and because it dehydrates me, which causes serious contractions. I love raspberry tea, but I want my water back...I don't mind contracting because if it's supposed to happen it will, but being dehydrated is just unhealthy and its starting to scare me. I don't like that she's making me do this and even though I've told her that I don't want to have the baby tonight, she just ignores me and tells me to drink more and that I need to just have the baby because he obviously doesn't have any room anymore and blah blah blah. I'm starting to get really upset because being dehydrated isn't healthy and I don't want my labor to be induced. I'm scared to be honest, and I feel like I'm being pushed into doing something that I'm not ready to do. If the labor was coming on by itself, I'd feel more okay about it, but this is just upsetting me to the point that I don't know how much longer I can be nice to her and say no at the same time.

I love my sister, but this seems really unhealthy to me and being dehydrated is making me more tired. I finally got 2 bottles of water sitting beside me, but she is still making me chug raspberry tea. :( Time to go for another walk I suppose.


My Boyfriend's Job.....

I am about to go on a serious rant right now. My boyfriend works at a local grocery store in Philipsburg, Pennsylvania. I cannot give you the name of the store because apparently, it is illegal if I give out certain information about the store. Since I don't work there, however, I don't really give a shit whether I give out their information or not. Plus, I won't be actually giving out information on the store or the way it works; I'll just be giving out information about one specific manager and how much he fucking sucks at his job.

My boyfriend came home to me today and was very upset about something a manager did, AGAIN. Yes, this kind of stuff happens all of the time, only not in such a scale as what it did today. This is what happened at Kyle's work today...
Apparently, someone decided to tell Larry (a manager at Kyle's work) that Kyle hadn't punched out for lunch until 20 minutes after he had already gone on his lunch. Kyle gets a 30 minute lunch, so there are 2 things that Larry probably thought. Either one: Kyle punched out 20 minutes after he started his lunch, then punched back in 10 minutes later once his 30 minutes was up; or, Kyle took basically a 20 minute break, then punched out for lunch and took a normal 30 minute lunch - totaling in 50 minutes of lunch. With those two options of Larry's thoughts out in the open, I'd like to state that if he thought the first option that I listed, then he's even more fucking retarded than anyone I've met in my life.

Here's why the first option isn't even possible - at Kyle's work, if you punch out of the clock, you can't punch in 1o minutes later. It will not allow you to punch back in until at least 15 minutes has gone by because that is the shortest amount of time allowed for a break from an employee. Therefore, Larry would be really stupid to believe that Kyle would even be able to punch back in 10 minutes later. Plus, I'm not sure why he would care if Kyle WOULD have done that because he was still only taking a 30 minute break at that point.

As for the second option, I'm not sure how anyone would be able to tell if Kyle had gone on lunch 20 minutes before he clocked out unless they were LOOKING for something to get him in trouble for. Kyle already said that this didn't happen, so obviously this person wasn't paying attention as well as they thought they were anyway. Kyle went straight from his register to the clock in order to punch out for lunch. However, if someone WAS watching my boyfriend that closely, then they need to be fired for not doing anything at work. They are obviously a bad employee if they can sit there for 20 minutes and pay attention to my boyfriend and when he goes into the break room, when he comes out, when he clocks in and out, etc. I also think Larry should consider that Kyle would NOT be trying to fuck up his job right now with a baby on the way and an apartment in our future. Kyle does make bad decisions sometimes like every other human on this planet, but he would NEVER do something that could cause him to lose his job. He knows how much he would lose, and trust me, it would be far more than just the apartment, his car, and me...

The reason I stated that the manager (Larry) sucks at his job is because he brought Kyle into the back room and was FURIOUS at him about this. He had no proof that Kyle had done it, and he had no reason to believe that Kyle had done it. Kyle has never done anything to get in trouble at work. He's always been one of their best employees and never gets in trouble because he never does anything to get into trouble. So, Larry automatically flipping out on Kyle the way that he did shows that he's not a very good manager in the first place. He should've asked Kyle if he had done it, and if Kyle admitted to it, then get angry if need be. Lashing out the way that he did just shows that he has no self control and that he shouldn't be in charge of a store full of employees. Kyle had even told him that if Larry would just check the video of the store, it would show Kyle clocking out and back in. If he would check the clock, it would show that he took a 30 minute lunch as well. However, the video would be more appropriate so that they could watch Kyle at his register, then see that the same time he left his register is the same time that he went over to the clock and clocked out.

I wouldn't be so angry about this, had it been me hearing about the manager for the first time. However, it's not the first time I've heard complaints about this manager. Kyle has come home numerous times telling me about stupid things that Larry has done. For example, the policy at Kyle's work is that if you want to request days off, you are to request them 3 weeks in advance. Obviously, we have no problem with that. Kyle had decided to request off April 27th and 28th for my parents' birthday so that we could go to Salamanca, NY with them for 2 days. He requested those days off 4 weeks in advance to make sure he got them off without any hassle. Once that week had come up, Kyle's schedule for the week was shown to him and he didn't have those days off. Larry is the one who deals with the scheduling, so when Kyle asked him why he didn't give him the days off, Larry responded by telling him that if he wanted them off so bad, he could just switch with someone. This pisses me off because Larry is supposed to be the responsible manager, and he's not in any way responsible or manager material whatsoever. It turns out that he never even pays attention to when people request days off because he just doesn't want to have to put more effort into scheduling people. Also, a manager should be able to admit that he made a mistake and fix it, not tell you that you have to get someone to cover for you.

Kyle isn't the only one who complains about Larry either. I won't mention names just in case someone decides to show this to him, but there are 3 other people I've heard large complaints from. Not going into full detail - but one girl had mentioned once when Larry had scheduled her to be stocking with people during a midnight shift, and she was pregnant and had never stocked once - she had always been on register or at the courtesy desk. Larry had told her that she just wouldn't get those hours that week.

Next case was from a male worker and he had mentioned that he was promised a few things from Larry. Apparently, Larry had mentioned a promotion for this person to the courtesy desk within the next month or so. The guy telling me this has worked there for a year and a half. Larry promised him that promotion a year ago, then mentioned it again in September of 2010, then mentioned it again in November, but never actually gave the person the promotion. Obviously there's nothing in writing that says that Larry HAS to give this guy the promotion he was promised, but its just messed up that he would sit there and say that he is going to give someone a promotion when he obviously isn't going to do anything. Since the guy wasn't getting the promotion, he started helping out with stocking every now and then. He found out that he was really good at stocking and talked to the manager that takes care of the people who stock and the people who do night crew. The manager said that he really needs more people and that he wants the guy to work back there as soon as possible. The guy tried talking to Larry about it and Larry wouldn't let him be a stocking person. He had no reason for it except for he supposedly REALLY needed him in the front end. Not only is it wrong of him to refuse him a job that he obviously would be better at doing, but 2 days before this person asked Larry if he could switch, Larry was complaining that they had too many people working front end and that he might have to lay people off. He never laid people off, so he had no reason to keep this person around. Plus, Larry was still in the process of hiring more people which just proves even more that he doesn't know how to run a grocery store in any way, shape, or form.

I'm really tired of ranting. My back is starting to ache pretty bad now that I'm this pregnant and have been sitting in this chair for this long typing in an aggravated fashion. I'm all tense and achy now. Ha.

Basically - just in case Larry DOES get the pleasure of reading this, I'd like to leave a little note just for him. Kyle has no idea that I'm writing this blog, so don't take it out on him or you'll have to deal with me. I'm done with you pissing me off and taking your stress and anger out on your employees. You're a HORRIBLE manager and I can see why you got fired from your manager position at Wal-Mart. I wish someone at this grocery store was smart enough to fire your ass because you have NO idea how to manage people, schedules, money, pay, or a whole store in general. Not that I feel like threatening is the best way to do things, but the next time I find out that you're being a dumbass and threatening my boyfriend's job whenever you don't have any proof of him doing something wrong, I'm most likely going to come into the grocery store and call you out and make a scene in front of all of your customers and employees - just because I know you won't know how to handle the situation correctly. :) I hate you Larry, and I hope you either lose your job or that you wise the fuck up before you fuck yourself over. :)

Goodnight everyone. :)


Cleaning Mood. :)

As you probably already know, most pregnant women go through a "nesting" stage in their pregnancy. The basic symptoms of this stage are obsessive cleaning, organization, and pretty much anything that can keep you busy and make you feel more comforted. For example, I just had to face my chair more toward the computer because it was slightly crooked for some odd reason. :) Also, Kyle and I have been packing downstairs so that we can move into our new apartment as soon as we possibly can have the chance to, and I've been labeling EVERYTHING. :) I have 2 sharpie markers; one black one and one silver metallic one. They both are used to label certain things in certain ways. I'm so anal about all of this because I want everything to be packed MY WAY. I don't think I can take NOT having things packed the way I want them to be packed. Kyle thinks its a bit ridiculous, but it comforts me to be able to be so organized, and it makes me happy. So, even though he doesn't like it that much, he allows it to happen.

Anyway, today I have been in a crazy cleaning mood. I woke up and immediately went into the kitchen and was DISGUSTED!! Dishes - everywhere! Food still left in them and spoiled milk in glasses and salad dressing gone bad; so gross! I couldn't stand it, and I usually don't care whether things are like this or not because it's not really my house, but I HAD to take action. I immediately opened the dishwasher and took everything out, put it all away, then started loading the dishwasher with all of the nasty dishes that had been sitting out. I organized the small forks with the small forks, large forks with large, small spoons with small, large spoons with large, butter knives with butter knives, etc. All of the bowls were in two rows in the center of the top rack, and all of the plates were lined up according to size on the bottom shelf. Cups of every sort went to both sides of the top shelf, and a large pot went in the bottom rack. After doing this, I realized that the dishwasher wasn't quite full yet. So, I haven't started it yet.

If I were to start the dishwasher without it being completely full, I'd most likely get the 3rd degree about it later. Therefore, I just left it not started, and began to clean something else. I walked into the living room, and there were 2 hampers of clean clothes that Kyle had brought up for my sister and her husband, because we needed to do laundry, so we finished their laundry for them, then started to do our own. So, I walk into the living room, find that the clothes are still sitting in hampers in the middle of the floor, and I start folding the clothes. My sister has 3 kids, so trying to figure out who's shirt and pants belong to who is definitely a difficult task. :) I tried my best though. :)

It's such a nice day out! Jimmy the fat cat is lying next to the screen door looking outside, soaking up the sun. The neighbor is washing his car. Birds are chirping and singing their cute little songs. I like today. Hopefully its a better day than yesterday. Yesterday was an awful emotional day for me. :(