
Just Not Ready

So, we went to the hospital last night after all of the commotion about the contractions went on. My contracts weren't very intense, but they were coming every 5 minutes and lasting about 30 seconds to 1 minute each. I ended up arriving at the emergency part of the hospital around 10:30pm and being put in a wheelchair and taken up to the laboring part of the hospital. They put me in a room and I got changed in the bathroom and gave them a urine sample. Then, they hooked me up to the monitors and checked my cervix to see how dilated I was. This was the part everyone was waiting for because this would determine how close to being in labor I am. My doctor checked me (the most uncomfortable part of the process I've had to go through so far) and she stated that I'm still only 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. I had to stay for an hour and walk around for an hour until they would check me again and tell me the same thing.

I didn't very much enjoy having to walk more after my sister had made me walk all over town all day. My hips were starting to seriously hurt to the point that if I hadn't sat down for a while, I may have fallen. Plus, I have a bad ankle and that was starting to hurt pretty bad as well. Next thing I know, my hour of walking is over and I decide to go rest in my room on the bed for a while. While we were walking around, a woman was going into labor and the door was wide open (curtain closed of course) and she didn't seem to be having any problems with the pushing whatsoever. She barely made noise and seemed to have her breathing under control and everything. As soon as I sat in my bed, apparently she was crowning and ended up screaming her head off! I found this ridiculous because of how well she was doing all that time to remain calm and everything. This would have scared me had I not known that such a reaction rarely happens.

Just want to say though, that I walked past her room again, and her baby was adorable. :)

My computer may die, so I'm going to leave it at this. :)

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