
Very Good Day!!

This has been a very productive morning for Blakey-Boo and me! Obviously, I know it isn't technically morning time, but it is for me since I work overnight and don't fall asleep until 8am. ONTO THE POINT! This morning was like any other morning. Kyle had to go to work, so he woke me up around 1:20pm and said that he had to leave in about ten minutes. This gives me enough time to moan and groan and speak of how I don't want to wake up...so it works out. Kyle puts Blake in bed with me around 1:30pm, and then leaves for work. Blake must have missed me, because he put his forehead to mine, then smiled the sweetest smile ever! He has always done the forehead touch whenever he has missed someone a lot, or when he is trying to show he loves you. I've noticed this about him. It is actually very cute the way he has made up this way of showing affection!

After our foreheads were done cuddling, he decided it was time to play "MY PILLOW!!" This game is so much fun. My son is only 10 months old, and he is very understanding of what this game means! He usually starts it - which is why it makes it so much fun! He smiles and cuddles you, acting like he is just so cute and affectionate...then he sits up and looks at you with the sweetest little faces. However, OUT OF NOWHERE, he flips over, and spreads his arms across your pillow and lays on it. This is when I flop down on a section of the pillow and say, "HEYYY!! That's my pillow!!! You can't take my pillow! This is my pillow!!!" This makes Blake overly excited, and he scoots further up the pillow and keeps his bum in the air. Does he mean to be this cute? HA! This is one of our favorite games. I absolutely adore this game.

I wanted to check my bank account online. This takes me all of about 5 minutes. Apparently that is just not good enough for Blake. I set him in his Pack-and-Play and gave him one of his favorite toys. He played with it for about two minutes, then stood up and started looking around the room. I had just typed in the banking website (after waiting for my mac to start up) and I was typing my user name. Blake started crying a little, and I said, "Hold on buddy, Mommy will be done in a few minutes!" I got my password in, and my account started to load, and Blake decides to SCREAM! This worries me (even though he was right beside me) so I hurry up, take a glance at the available balance in my account, and close the window and jump up. He stops screaming, then proceeds to put his arms up in the air and make what looks like the "milk" sign with both hands. I kind of figured that he wanted up, but I honestly wanted to see if HE knew what he wanted. So I asked, "Oh, would you like some milk?" He gave me a little shriek and got upset for a minute, then started the motion again. So I picked him up, and he was fine. I was highly impressed by this because I had never seen him do it and actually follow through with what he wanted. Sometimes, he would look like he was motioning that he wanted up, but he actually just wanted out of the Pack-and-Play to crawl around. This time was different though! He clung to me like a little leech and I loved it!

I decided to take the little guy downstairs so that we could have a nice little lunch together. I put him on his "big boy chair" after heating up some food for him, and began to feed him. I started doing what I always do, and asking him if he wanted more, and motioning the sign for "more." He watched me do it a few times and let me ask him a few times. He even laughed a few times! However, I put down the bowl and spoon in order to take a drink of my tea, only to look at Blake and notice him staring at his hands, then trying to move them together, then apart, repetitively! He didn't point his fingers together like the sign is meant to look, but he still made his own way of signing for the same thing I wanted him to sign for! And he did it pretty well for being 10 months old! The sign that he makes looks more like a clap, but its his sign! I'm so proud of him! I was very excited and yelling "YAYYYYYYYYYY" in his face for every time he did it, and I would clap. He loved this, so he kept repeating the "more" sign, laughing the entire time that he wasn't chewing. I'm so proud of him! I feel like he is so smart and it makes me so happy to see this much progress in him. I can't wait to see what the rest of the day has in store for us. :)

Did I mention that he can stand for a few seconds? He is doing really well with it. He does the best when you hand him something that you usually don't let him have, (cat toy, car remote, cd, glass candle holder, tv remote, etc.) This seems to intrigue him and he holds the object with both hands, and doesn't realize that he is standing on his own. My mother's cat's toy has been a HUGE deal to Blake since the first day he spotted it. We usually have it sitting up on something where Dolce jump up to get it, but Blake can't reach it. However, yesterday, my mom decided to give Blake the cat toy, and see what would happen. The reason he usually doesn't get this toy is because it has a small bell on the end on a very thin string. This can easily be ripped off if Blake decides to put the bell in his mouth. Also, it has feathers all over the other end of it that Blake has ripped off before. It's just not a good toy for a baby to get possession of. Nonetheless, mom gave him this cat toy, and he grabbed it greedily with both hands and pulled it toward his body as tightly as he possibly could. He just stood there, not even realizing that there was nothing holding him up, not realizing that he wasn't holding anything stationary. I WISH I would've gotten a photo or something to add onto here. He did a wonderful job, until Pappy came bursting through the door yelling, "TINA!!!".....I feel like I live in a sitcom.....

Thanks for listening to my overjoyed motherhood stories. :)

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